ABF The Soldiers’ Charity has awarded a grant of £150,000 towards the provision of nursing, dementia and palliative care for Army residents at Erskine based in Scotland.
The donation will enable Erskine to continue with its delivery of enhanced care and support services for the Army family, including physiotherapy, speech and language therapy, advanced nurse practitioner service and a varied programme of daily activities. Such services play a critical role in ensuring that our veterans can achieve the very best quality of life possible.

Commenting on the donation, Erskine Chief Executive Wing Commander Ian Cumming said: “Erskine is renowned for the provision of sector leading care services for elderly Veterans and their spouses, but we can only achieve this through the generosity and commitment of our donors. We are therefore extremely grateful to the Trustees of ABF The Soldiers’ Charity for this substantial grant and indeed their wonderful support over many years. Their support is particularly appreciated at this time, as we continue to adapt our day-to-day practices in response to the coronavirus pandemic. We are working hard to ensure our residents are safe and well, including the use of social distancing measures, barrier nursing and increased infection control procedures across all four Erskine Homes. It is our aim to deliver the same high level of care expected by our residents and their families and ensure they continue to enjoy full and meaningful lives throughout the exceptional circumstances we all find ourselves in. The donation from ABF The Soldiers’ Charity will enable us to provide the best care possible to our Veterans at this time.”
Brigadier (Ret’d) Robin Bacon, Chief of Staff at ABF The Soldiers’ Charity adds: “We are delighted to award Erskine with a grant to help Army residents in its care homes across Scotland. The nursing, dementia and palliative care that Erskine provides our Army Veterans is exceptional. It is imperative that we look after our Army family throughout their life and Erskine gives the best possible care home experience for them. We’d like to say a massive thank you to all of its staff across its four homes for everything that you do!”