Every year St George’s School in Harpenden supports our Big Curry campaign by hosting a Big Curry special fundraising day and a Great Curry Run. The school has a long standing history of supporting The Soldiers’ Charity, with many of their former pupils having fought in both World Wars.
During this year’s Big Curry fundraiser soldiers from the Grenadier Guards and the Royal Marines were welcomed to the school. The Grenadiers Guards provided a shooting range where pupils could test their skills, and the Marines put the students through their paces with gruelling physical training classes.

Staff from The Soldiers’ Charity HQ – Bronagh and Louisa – joined the staff and pupils in serving up the curry lunch, of which nearly 900 went out by the end of the day.
The following day more than 500 pupils and parents ran distances between 5 and 20k in the Great Curry run. In total £17,000 has been raised by the school this year, and a staggering £186,000 since St Georges has been supporting The Soldiers’ Charity Big Curry. St George’s School is one of the largest supporters of the Big Curry campaign and we are incredibly grateful to them for their continued support through the campaign.
If you would like to donate to their effort, visit www.justgiving.com/teams/greatcurryrun2016