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The Army Benevolent Fund is committed to safeguarding children, young people and vulnerable adults with whom our staff, or anyone acting on our behalf, come into contact, during fundraising, benevolence or outreach activities.

Normally the Charity is not routinely engaged in face-to-face activities with its beneficiaries. It generally delivers its support to beneficiaries through third parties (our partner charities and other organisations that deliver welfare on our behalf). Nevertheless, the Charity ensures that it has carried out due diligence on these third-party organisations to ensure that they have appropriate systems of control in place, including adequate safeguarding policies and procedures.

The Army Benevolent Fund has a robust and routinely updated Safeguarding Policy. All the Charity’s staff are familiar with the policy and receive routine training on their responsibilities under it. The Safeguarding Policy is reviewed annually by the Board of Trustees to ensure its applicability and currency.