December 10, 2024, 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm


The Army Carol Service is hosted annually in the Royal Hospital Chelsea by the Army Benevolent Fund. The combination of the magnificent setting of Christopher Wren’s Chapel with a traditional Advent service of lessons and carols makes for an inspiring evening.

The readers are serving soldiers representing the range of ranks and diversity in today’s Army.  The carols are led by the renowned Chapel Choir and accompanied by Household Division trumpeters. At the reception following the service the Chief of the General Staff will say a few words about today’s Army.


Tuesday 10th December 2024

1900 – Service begins

2000 – Reception begins



The Royal Hospital Chelsea
Royal Hospital Road
London SW3 4SR

Tickets coming soon

For more information and ticket enquiries please call 07875 154 847 or email [email protected]

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