Today, we pay tribute to Army service dogs, which have supported soldiers throughout history, and help veterans and families get through tough times.
“My Hero Dog” Competition winner announced!
We were delighted with the response to our recent competition from supporters who sent in some wonderful pictures of their hero hounds and shared their impressive stories.
The winner of our competition is Laura Jackson with her hero, Samo. Laura says: “Samo has not had an easy life so far, multiple operations, a huge list of allergies and inflammatory bowel disease. Even with all he has going on he is an amazing support to our autistic daughter.”

Second place winner is Lynn Crook with her hero dog Etta, while third place goes to Katie Smith and Luna.

Dogs of War
During the First World War, search and rescue dogs located and carried supplies to wounded men. They also helped soldiers and civilians in the Second World War, finding people trapped under debris following air raids and delivering messages. To this day, dogs guard military bases and work on the frontline searching for explosives.

Dogs improve mental health and wellbeing
We are proud to fund charities that use dogs to help veterans suffering with mental health conditions, including PTSD. We recently donated £20,000 to Service Dogs UK, which trains dogs to help veterans with nightmares, flashbacks, anxiety and panic attacks; and also work with the Scottish charity Bravehound, which provides specially trained dogs to help veterans and their families settle back into civilian life.

A dog can be a veteran’s best friend
Some of our beneficiaries have their own beloved canine companions, who have helped them get through tough times. Our friend and beneficiary Paul, a former Royal Engineer, lost his job and his home during the recent pandemic. With a little help from us, he is now settling into his new home and establishing himself as a self-employed photographer. Throughout, his four-legged friend, Wee Jock, has never left his side.

Paul says: “Wee Jock became my constant companion… I would have been in a very dark place if it hadn’t been for his love and affection. My new friend saved me from the other Black Dog in the room…. He made me smile every day and still does. He is a constant reminder that the simple things in life, like just going for a walk, are enough to keep your spirits up.”