ABF The Soldiers’ Charity Supports New Exhibition to Remember Burma Veterans

Burma Veterans: Unforgettable is a major photographic exhibition to be held in London this August, which is being supported by ABF The Soldiers’ Charity.
Wendy Aldiss photographed over 200 allied Burma Veterans in the UK and a small selection in Burma (now Myanmar) during 2015 – the year marking the 70th anniversary of VJ Day. The exhibition will run from 2-15 August at the Army & Navy Club.
For Wendy there was a very personal connection to the photography project because her father was part of 2nd Division in Burma in World War II. She said: “In both Britain and Myanmar I have been told how important this project is to the Veterans and their families and I feel humbled by the significance they have given it.”

The exhibition pays tribute to those British and Allied forces who fought in Burma, who became known as ‘The Forgotten Army.”